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As dual-language charter schools, the Excellence and Justice in Education (EJE) Academies prepare students from diverse populations to excel in higher education and to be leaders in creating a just global community.

"Justice, Service and Excellence from the Heart"

This mission is driven by the principles of justice, service and excellence to ensure student success.
  • Justice in education is achieved through expanded parental choice, curriculum accessibility, valuing diversity, providing equal educational opportunities, empowering of the individual and the community we serve, and providing a proactive ideology that stems from love for the children we serve.
  • Service is exemplified in our individual commitment to our students, teaching by example, demonstrating by giving of ourselves, developing and practicing not only positive character but also leadership skills to our students. Most importantly, we believe in building on prior knowledge to bring out the gifts students already possess to change the world.
  • Excellence is embodied in our academic achievement and character-development focus to create a positive school culture, in setting daily positive affirmations of high expectations, and in our daily encounters with the community we serve. EJE Elementary Academy is a learning community where learning needs are met, resources are provided, creativity is embraced, identities are enhanced, and potentials are unlocked for all students.
Our Vision for Students
  • Literacy in multiple languages
  • High test scores
  • College-ready students
  • Close the “Achievement Gap”
  • Ethical Service to the community
  • Opportunity and Choice in life
  • Empowered actors for social justice
EJE Elementary Academy will measure students' academic achievement regularly for the purpose of making the necessary improvements to the educational program. Resources will be effectively and efficiently utilized to maximize student performance and provide a benchmark of excellence and accountability.